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Learn 2 Swim Level 1
Learn Freestyle : Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach

Develop water safety skills and confidence. L2SL1 swimmers already have the ability to move unassisted through the water, and will learn basic Freestyle with breathing to the side (bubble arm, breath arm), along with streamline floating and kicking on the back. Swimmers will be taught basic crouch dives and how to race Freestyle over 15-25m


Learn 2 Swim Level 2
Learn Backstroke : Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach

Further development of water safety, confidence, and basic swimming skills. L2SL2 swimmers already have the ability to swim basic Freestyle (bubble arm, breath arm) along with streamline kicking on the front and back. Swimmers will continue to develop Freestyle by learning to breath every four arms. Swimmers will be introduced to basic Backstroke technique. Swimmers will be taught basic standing dives and how to race Freestyle and Backstroke over 15-25m


Learn 2 Swim Level 3
Learn Beeastroke : Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach

Further development of water safety, confidence, and basic swimming skills. L2SL3 swimmers already have the ability to swim basic Freestyle breathing every four arms along with basic Backstroke. Swimmers will continue to develop Freestyle and Backstroke while being introduced to basic Breastroke technique. Swimmers will be taught standing dives and how to race Freestyle, Backstroke, and Breastroke over 15-25m


Learn 2 Swim Level 4
Learn Butterfly : Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach

Further development of water safety, confidence, and basic swimming skills. L2SL4 swimmers already have the ability to swim basic Freestyle, basic Backstroke, and basic Breastroke. Swimmers will continue to develop Freestyle, Backstroke, and Breastroke while being introduced to basic Butterfly technique. Swimmers will be taught block dives and how to race Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, and Butterfly over 15-25m


Junior Squad
Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach (Qualifying Distances Apply)

Develop swimming technique in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers are introduced to dry land stretching and warmup exercises, along with swimming drills and training programs that refine and develop all strokes. Swimmers are also introduced to competition racing, relays, starts, tumble turns, and finishes. Junior squad swimmers become familiar with the squad training dynamic



Intermediate Squad
Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers are introduced to advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for club and school competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke :


Senior Squad
Gold Silver Bronze Grouping : 3 Swimmers : 1 Coach (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique, strength, and speed in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers train with advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for club and school competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke :


State / National Development Squad
6 Swimmers : 2 Coaches (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique, strength, and speed in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers train with advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for city, state, and national competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke : 


State / National Performance Squad
6 Swimmers : 2 Coaches (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique, strength, and speed in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers train with advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for national and international competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke :



State / National High Performance Squad
6 Swimmers : 2 Coaches (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique, strength, and speed in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers train with advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for national and international competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke :



International Performance Squad
6 Swimmers : 2 Coaches (Qualifying Times Apply)

Develop swimming technique, strength, and speed in all four swimming strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly). Swimmers train with advanced drills and training programs that prepare the swimmer for elite national and international competition. Swimmers are required to achieve entry qualifying times in at least one (1) stroke :